Utrechtse Studenten Zwem- en Waterpolofederatie
Het Zinkstuk


Privacy statement + Code of Conduct adjustment

Last season, the board and the AVG working group worked hard on an updated version of the privacy statement, including an English version of the statement. The new version of the privacy statement can be read here. Consult the privacy statement regularly to know how Het Zinkstuk handles your data.

Besides that the Code of Conduct has had an adjustment. You can read the new Code of Conduct here.Β 

Publiced Tuesday 6 September 2022

Member initiative

For some time now, money has been raised for the member initiative through SponsorKliks on the website. To request a member initiative follow the steps described here. At this moment there is €3.19 available for the initiative, after requesting €620 on the End of Year AV! Do you want to help raise this amount? Then install the plug-in of SponsorKliks via the website!

Publiced Tuesday 19 July 2022

Code of Conduct

From this season, the KNZB made it obligatory for all officials within the association to have a certificate of conduct. When the association meets a number of requirements, including having a code of conduct, the certificates of conduct are free. Having a code of conduct is in line with our aim to improve the safety within the association. Therefore, we have drawn up a code of conduct for Het Zinkstuk. This code gives insight in what every member can do to ensure a safe sports environment. Click here to code the code of conduct.

If you have any questions, send an email to bestuur@hetzinkstuk.nl.

Publiced Tuesday 17 November 2020

Upcoming activities


